Saturday, March 10, 2012


...what my Mom & her friends at Hannah Penn would think about the Republican Party's lack of outrage at the Divine Mr. L's three days of unrestrained, downright wanton attacks on the core character of a young woman, of an entire law school's female student body, because she dared to stand up for the importance of making hormone therapy (most commonly, but not exclusively, used for birth control) available to women, regardless of their financial situation.

I can't speak for the other women - some or most of whom might have been totally okay with what's become an attack on Sandra Fluke as a flunky of a conniving White House - but I know that Mom would have been horrified. To be honest, I can't imagine any woman raised in my birth faith NOT being shaken to her core with repulsion, in spite of their believes on birth control or premarital sex. What the Divine Mr. L. unleashed was an attack on innocence, in that he did everything he could to shred the reputation of every woman in the Georgetown University Law School in general, Sandra Fluke in particular. All this woman did was seek to have her voice heard. And for that, the most powerful voice in America has done everything possible to silence her's & annihilate her character.

With the exception of Ron Paul, the candidates have issued carefully caged comments that evade rather than condemn. Many on the Right consider his words & unprecedented 3-day attacks as no worse than those on the Left calling Michelle Bachmann a bimbo & bubblehead, or demeaning attacks on Sarah Palin, pointing out that such attacks go unchallenged by Progressives & go by the board without apology ~ ~ completely ignoring the numerous attacks that were issued.

I keep wondering what Mom & the ladies of Hannah Penn would do, and then I think to myself - thank god she never lived to see this day. My mother was a compassionate conservative, a term that the Divine Mr. L. & his ilk sneer at today.

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