Repeat after me, "Money is goooood." Say it again, louder & stronger.
If you can do that WITHOUT squirming, without suddenly feeling like you're somehow dirty & fret on how disappointed your Nana would be with you for being brazenly avaricious - - well, then good for you!
I am among the Nana disappointers. My birth faith seemed wondrously progressive because it taught that money, per se, was not the root of evil - - the love of money is. Well, I say phooey to both thoughts.
Think about it - it's really hard to make beaucoup bucks when a cornerstone belief is that loving will lead you to hell. If you're looking to eternal happiness, wouldn't they make you feel at the very least contemptuous of moola?
Today, am starting something new, something that had been simmering for a couple weeks - ever since starting Jen Sincero's You Are A Badass At Making Money . I am going beyond simply making peace with the fact that having money is the root of happiness & not having it, being poor, really stinks.
As we head out of a FABULOUS January into February, will be hauling out my metaphysical pom poms (green, black & silver - Eagles' colors!) & cheering on creating financial prosperity, for making mucho moola, for no credit card debt, for having two cars, a welcoming house, kitties that each have biannual check ups, great investments & plenty of Jacksons, Grants & Franklins tucked in the bank. For this bridging week, will be a avid advocate for the sort of income streams, investments & savings that let ME throw financial lifelines to friends in need.
Please do not think that I am thumbing my nose at all the people who've told me over so many years that money is ____________ (fill in the blank). Yes, money IS energy. Yes, money IS neutral, good or ill depending on how it's used. Both of those statements always struck me as back door apologies for money. So let me say it, loud & clear - - I love money. Love all the things it can do for me & mine. Love all the bills it can pay & the learning experiences it can underwrite & the trips it can finance & every wonderful thing that it can help make HAPPEN.
Repeat after me - "Money is goooood & I love it!" Guess what - you might even find that your Nana sings its praises, too!
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