it is not surprising that more than a few republican-controlled state houses are passing legislation that inhibits, limits, or in other ways significantly deters women from getting abortions.
barack obama's election was a wake-up call to certain powers-that-be that times were changing in ways unacceptable to various powerful interests who did NOT in 2008 envision the country taking the road it took. instead of counting on elections going the way they want, they're looking to swiftly codify the startling changes they seek, beginning with america's heartland. note the laws that put restrictions on who can vote by making it more difficult (you need to have a passport or birth certificate to register is one example of several).
south dakota's new law requiring a 3-day waiting period between physician consult & abortion procedure, its requirement that all women attempting to access abortion services sit through two scripted (by state bureaucrats) lectures about abortion, and the other new requirement - that they have a consult with a "pregnancy health counselor" (persons without health care training, who are not covered under any confidentially requirement, who are usually anti-abortion) before the procedure - is just the latest in jaw-dropping legislation coming out of conservative state governments.
jaw-dropping because conservatives ran on the platform of getting government out of our personal business. but i forget - they are dealing with female health issues & there seems to be a segment of the conservative movement that seems to believe men will always know what's best for "the little woman."
running on limited government, then delivering extreme government interference in women's health care. bait & switch of the worst sort!
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