Today, I am going to write about his opponent. Many of my friends feel even more strongly
about him, that he will lead our great nation down a
too-horrible-to-contemplate path to perhaps even spiritual Armageddon.
I don’t see that.
When I look at President Obama, I see someone who kept his #1 campaign
promise, to pass comprehensive health care reform, knowing that it would be as
much a torpedo to his chances for reelection as passing the Civil Rights Act of
1965 was to LBJ’s. He did it
I see someone who said that he would go wherever he had to – even into
the sovereign territory of a supposed ally - to get Osama Bin Laden, a position
pummeled by both Hillary Rodham Clinton & Mitt Romney. He did it anyway.
I see someone who promised to do away with Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell, knowing
it would alienate in the strongest possible way the Evangelical Right. He did it anyway.
I see someone who believes that a woman has the right to make decisions
about her own body, someone who sees that our nation’s prosperity is
intrinsically tied – like it or not – to our ability to effectively plan the
size of our families.
I see someone whose first bill signing was the Lily Ledbetter Fair Pay Act, which helps ensure victims of wage discrimination - for whatever cause - readier access to remedy the inequality.
I see someone whose first bill signing was the Lily Ledbetter Fair Pay Act, which helps ensure victims of wage discrimination - for whatever cause - readier access to remedy the inequality.
I see someone pilloried by gun owners for taking away their rights,
which he’s made no move to do in spite of how many deadly shooting, including
the attempted assassination of the amazing Gabby Giffords.
I see someone who inherited an ENORMOUS debt incurred by a Republican
President-Who-Shall-Not-Be-Named (whose tax cuts, along with unfunded wars
& Medicare Part D, gutted the surplus left to him).
I see someone who inherited the greatest financial crisis since the Depression & who kept disaster from becoming utter calamity.
I see someone who put the auto manufacturers - our nation's most gloried private industry - through the most effective parts of a bankruptcy without the downside of wiping out their genuinely small business suppliers, many of whom would have been ruined if they had been paid pennies on the dollars they were owed (as would have happened in an actual bankruptcy).
I see someone who has taken China to court over unfair trade practices, And won.
I see someone who inherited the greatest financial crisis since the Depression & who kept disaster from becoming utter calamity.
I see someone who put the auto manufacturers - our nation's most gloried private industry - through the most effective parts of a bankruptcy without the downside of wiping out their genuinely small business suppliers, many of whom would have been ruined if they had been paid pennies on the dollars they were owed (as would have happened in an actual bankruptcy).
I see someone who has taken China to court over unfair trade practices, And won.
Whew - that’s a lot of stuff. And it’s
just the tip of the iceberg.
Okay, so what did President Obama do that riles me, that makes me question his
leadership? Turns out they're things the GOP should
be applauding, not condemning. GITMO -
still open. Deportations went up,
not down. Drone attacks were authorized against enemy combatants. Americans - ones who plotted against our nation - were killed instead of captured them & returned to the USA for trial. Surveillance on our nation’s citizens, abroad
& at home, hasn't been rolled back. These are things
Republicans would ballyhoo if one of their own had done it.
There are many who say that President Obama is the most divisive
president in history. I can think of one
who was infinitely more so – Abraham Lincoln.
And, like President Obama, the root of his divisive nature lay not in
himself, but in the hearts & minds of the people who reviled what he stood
for & against. If Barack Obama is as
toxic as so many claim, I have not been able to find the toxin in him.
Today, we have two candidates before us.
One did a lot of what he campaigned to do, including taking out Osama
Bin Laden. And the things that he hasn’t
done are things that Republicans would support if he had an R after his name
instead of a D.
The other candidate was nominated by a party whose leaders got together on the
very night of President Obama’s inauguration, pledging to make his life a living hell, to fight him at every turn, to make it impossible for him to achieve so much as a
smidgen of true bipartisan support, whose self-proclaimed #1 goal was to make him
a 1-term president – then they & their supporters turn around
& paint the president as divisive & partisan. (Strange but true - it worked AND no one seems to fault them for putting their party's interests ahead of country's.)
I have already written volumes - mostly on Facebook - about my concern with Mitt Romney. Time & time & time again, he’s said jaw-droppers
that only make sense within the context of narcissism. But, to be fair, a President Romney would give Republicans
what Grover Norquist said many months ago was all they seek – someone with
enough working digits to sign into law laws originated in the GOP-dominated House, someone
who acts as a facilitator of their wishes rather than a leader (his words, not mine).
It is true that IF Gov. Romney is elected today, we'll see a far different
relationship between president & Congress.
That's because Democrats value compromise over stark ideology, compared
to Republicans who – for the last generation – believe it is more important to
stand on principle than to effectively govern.
Whatever the outcome, I hope everyone holds close to their hearts that
we are, as a nation, a tough old bird.
But above all, we are a nation who believes “in God we trust.”
If your candidate wins, my heartiest congratulations. If he loses, my condolences. But whichever, always & forever remember
the words which are the most frequently voiced commandment in the Old & New
Testaments – FEAR NOT. Take no thought
for the morrow, putting your trust ~ your full, real trust, not just words ~ in
God. Because if we can’t do that, all
the rest is pretty inconsequential, don’t you think?
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