Thursday, November 29, 2012

True for Both

This tidbit - part of a larger harangue on Daily Kos - is spot on, regardless of your political ideology...

" politics you seem to be judged by how spectacularly and shamelessly you can accomplish the lie itself, regardless of context.  If you are a politician, pundits will busy themselves wondering aloud whether your  "gambit" of unabashedly bullshitting the entire American public will be "effective".   If you are a pundit, your job is, apparently, to further the bullshitting in order to make it effective.  Somewhere along the line, the word pundit became synonymous with professional liar.  It might have been a cost-cutting move."

there's more...

"It's fine to be wrong about things, mind you. It's fine to opine based on your own partisan preferences, too, so long as those suppositions do not blatantly contradict actual, right-in-front-of-everyone's-faces fact. But the people whose sole purpose is to mislead, the people whose dishonesty, whose raw hackishness, whose absolute scorn for the public, and for facts, and for their own supposed profession, whose raw hatred for anyone who dares even argue based on physical realities, as opposed to masturbatory fantasies, is most embarrassing to the whole nation—are they really necessary cogs, in the political process? The people in our discourse whose only contribution to the American political process is to injure it, on purpose?"

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