You have them hunker down in their House & Senate seats, resolutely refusing to budge, sending out the word to the president (who's still on his way home) and every man, woman & child in the U.S.A. - - "We are here, ready to do the business of our nation, ready to make the tough calls this president is unwilling or, god help us, unable to make."
You do NOT sit on your hands, with most of your members of congress twiddling their thumbs back in their home states & districts.
Which is precisely what the Speaker did.
Leave it to good ol' Socialist Bernie Sanders to be a voice of reason amidst nuttiness. "It seems that, in the House now, Boehner has no control over his extreme right-wing faction,” Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., told MSNBC Wednesday. “You have, over in the House, a situation where the Republicans are saying, ‘Hey, we don’t think billionaires should pay a nickel more in taxes, but we do think there should be devastating cuts in programs that are impacting working families who are already hurting as a result of the recession.’ So that’s the problem that we have.”
In a gesture of hope, Starbucks' CEO Howard Schultz has ordered that "come together" be written on each & every Starbucks cup in D.C. Yeah, it sounds a tad loopy, but it has sound roots in generating positive cosmic energies. It should be noted that the catch phrase has to first catch on within the GOP.
So, a total thumbs down to Speaker Boehner for being so bone-headed & dumb as to paint his House members as insensitive to the moment. And a tip of my hat to Mr. Schultz for making way more effort at serving the nation than House Republicans appear to be doing.
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