GOP reminds me of little kids who threaten to hold their breath until their parents do what they want. They STILL insist that it's up to the Dem-controlled Senate to produce a compromise bill, utterly ignoring the one already on the table, utterly ignoring that a bill by Speaker Boehner that okayed taxes on those with over $1 million annual income was shot down by his how party. The ONLY thing the GOP is apparently able to see is a bill that continues the tax breaks for EVERYONE, which the American people have made abundantly clear would be against the will of the people.
Remember the "will of the people"? The thing that Republicans claim to revere while demonizing Dems for ignoring?
The past few days have been rife with examples of Silly Season thinking. Hard to believe the GOP congressional leadership are adults, because they are acting like little kids who threaten to head for home with their baseball if they aren't allowed to call the shots.
And how does Mitch McConnell, whose party not only failed to win back the Senate but lost seats in both houses of Congress, get to decide if a bill requires a simple majority or 60 votes to pass?
That's not silly - that's flat-out DUMB!
We have three days to pass the sort of bill Americans made clear they want. Get over the silliness & get it done!!
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