They only hear what they want to hear, in spite of what's said.
They only speak what makes sense to them, in spite of it making no sense to anyone else.
And they do absolutely nothing, insisting they've done all they can, that the ball's in the Democrats' court.
Sad but true, House Republicans HAVE done all they can do, because they can't agree on what to do next. Speaker Boehner clearly does NOT want to bring up the bill that the Senate did pass (which apparently missed his notice), which compromised in good faith, asking taxes be raised on those earning 400K+, to the original 250K. Doesn't dare, because it has enough bipartisan support to pass, and that cannot be allowed.
Once again, the GOP is utterly clueless about what to do next. They clearly had NO strategy plan in case of an election fail.
They are so used to a) having the ball or b) successfully acting like they have the ball that they clearly don't know what to do with a real life situation being played out in real time where they have no real advantage.
The time-honored GOP gambit of saying the ludicrous & having it swallowed whole no longer works, but they keep running the play anyhow, as witnessed by today's comments from Speaker Boehner's spokesman - - "Senator Reid should talk less and legislate more," said Boehner spokesman Michael Steel. "The House has already passed legislation to avoid the entire fiscal cliff. Senate Democrats have not."
The bill Steel refers to is a relatively ancient measure the House passed that froze rates for ALL taxpayers and addressed some of the mandatory cuts. The Senate DID vote on that bill, last summer, rejecting it.
Perhaps someone should show Speaker Boehner how to google it. Because most Americans know who's playing pussy foot with reality.
Scary thing is that I seriously doubt that the Speaker has even a light grasp on reality. He is SO used to the GOP being able to get away with spouting the absurd that he doesn't seem to know the difference between reality & Republican fantasy. He hears no reason, speaks no reason, acts entirely unreasonably!
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