Tuesday, March 13, 2018

Snowball's chance in Heaven!

2014 was the first time I experienced time folding & unfolding on itself.  Before then, I'd had experiences where people who had passed on were very much a part of my moment, but that's a different time mash-up.  In the time sense I'm having today, all the integral parts are - at the same time - distinctly separate & part of a greater whole.

All that I've worked on for all of my life is coming altogether in ways I could never have imagined yet which seem to be all part of a discernible piece that hikes itself back to the past & at the same time reaches forward to far distant dates.  None of it is comprehensible & it all makes complete sense.  To BE more fully & abundantly means paring down, ridding myself of the superfluous that once seemed spare.  It's free falling into a space without a net.  

I would love to take a bow for such surreal leaps, but the truth is that I didn't plan it.  Not any of it.  All I am doing, all I ever did - even when I wasn't aware of it - was to get out of the way of The One who did.  

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