My best memory of the week - this is tough! A lot of wow memories. Has to be hearing Anders Gyllenhaal's speak on the state of the 1st amendment in our digital age, part of Bryn Athyn College's Distinquished Speakers series. A terrific presentation from an accomplished communicator & all-around great guy, plus an impromptu reunion of the Class of '70.
What I'm most grateful for this week - a generous Universe that continues to set awesome people in my paths.
Accomplishments this week that make me smile - getting HCIC thank you notes up to date, introducing three new masks at Upper Moreland's fundraiser, picking up Florence then John then getting to Patricia's for the monthly creatives circle then dropping off Florence then getting the last two items for the fundraiser craft activity then getting there at 5:15 p.m. while staying relaxed & having a great time through it all, enjoying hearing Neal & Christa at The Zen Den then hoofing up the hill to Puck to hear John Austin, photocopying the wonderful template John designed for the Rx for Caregivers page-a-day calendar,
A challenge I faced this week - getting connected to my first monthly meeting of the Radical Age Movement.
Strengths & supports I used to get me through the week - processing stuff as information instead of taking it personally, flipping negative things to constructive, persistence curiosity interest, LOVE, tackling the unfamiliar & uncomfortable, consistency & constancy, trusting in the Divine.
A lesson from the past week that I am taking into the current one - to speak up without fear. At the end of the Radical Age Meeting, the moderator asked me for input, instead of thinking of all I don't know about issues around aging, I focused on what I did & offered some good comments & suggestions - and took on doing a 05/15/18 Age Justice event in Philadelphia instead of going up to the NYC Central Park event that's attracting some mega big wigs. As part of the Q&A after Anders' talk, I mentioned something that another "expert" told me afterward he believed was wrong; turned out - to his surprise - that we were both right. Reinforced that what I know has value, be comfortable using my voice, stay open to double checking & always listen to others.
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