My O Best Beloved gave me a kitty calendar with quotes in very small print. The pictures are cute, but the calendar left me felling pretty "meh..." Until I really read the the quotes. What a treasure! And unexpectedly thought provoking.
Like the 02/12/18 quote - "Live life to the fullest, and focus on the positive." (Matt Cameron)
I'd change "positive" to "constructive."
Chalk it up to having a mother who invariably looked at the positive, to the point of screening OUT anything that wasn't. There is great power in negatives - they give life its depth, balance, richness. A car with all positive charge spark plugs is going nowhere.
It's my belief that people say "youth" when they mean "fit," "positive" when they mean "constructive."
My mother did her best to live a smiley face life, tucking into the farthest reaches of her mind the heartbreaks that happened over her life. It took letting herself see the negatives for her to get a grounded sense of her self. She learned that she could see the tough, hard, heartbreaking things & not crumple. Facing that having negatives in her life was NOT an aberration but a natural part of being alive was one of the most positive things that happened to her.
"Live life to the fullest, and focus on the constructive" - yep, a pretty good credo, if I rewrite it myself!
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