Strikes me that Jen's advice is a bit off base. It's not that we need to replace low energies with high, but that when we rip up our own low mumble to a high zoom, similar types gravitate toward us - WE become a magnet for those frequencies. It's never about exclusion, it's always about connection.
FACT: I chalked up 60+ years of disappointing people. My frequency waves were completely off base with each other. People would respond all merry & bright on a first meeting, but fall by the wayside when they found a lumpen mass of barely vibrating frequencies. Drove them nuts, feeling vibes that were nowhere to be seen.
My frequency field was schizophrenic, at wildly different levels. What Jen shares as key ways that high-frequency people help us get rich, she's sharing the traits I drew out of myself to balance them, to help them come into alignment with each other, to go from low hum to high vibe. Looking back, can see these are the things I did to transform my energy field from lumpen mass to ZOOM, the traits I consciously nurture to release revive reform my natural joy in accomplishment:
High energy - creating an arena for WOW to happen, attracting other high frequency vibes.
Faith in myself - being wealth-positive is ESSENTIAL to success. The alternate, being wealth-adverse, which halted me for decades from pushing forward. Being wealth-positive is being ME-positive, because inspired ideas & dedicated savvy action leads to success & a natural mega up-tick in financial returns.
Upping my own game - focusing on the positives, the possibles, the predestined to be brilliant. DOING it, making it happen. Real stuff, real time. Building on successes, celebrating advances. Going toe to toe with standards set by others, by repeatedly beating my own personal best.
Making myself mightier - believing in my own awesomeness, connecting with available resources, ideas, know-how, enthusiasm, determination, perseverance, persistence, innovation, ability, intelligence, creativity, emotional generosity, out-of-the-box BIG thinking paired with step-by-step ACTION. Mounting up with wings, like eagles - - but they who wait for the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles; they shall run and not be weary; they shall walk and not faint.
Celebration City - celebrate the little moments, the big, the key steps & even the heart-catching stumbles, the aha connections & the BRAVO end product. Celebrate all of it as a way to generate & rev energies, to boost vibration fields, to connect across the spectrum, low middling high. All of them.
My Catch-22 turned out to be greatest creative aha - it's NOT about winnowing out the lows & courting the highs. It was about getting my act together, connecting with all of my energies, staying open to & encouraging others to do the same. It's about connecting to my convictions, to getting clarity about what really matters - - and, just as important, about what doesn't. To STOP doing the things that don't matter or, worse, act against me, & FOCUS on what moves me forward to desired, sought for goals & accomplishments. It's creating a LIFE around a quote from ...Badass...Money:
"Changing your focus to the POSITIVES of what I have & what I deserve changes my attitude & RAISES my frequency so that I can align my energies with, and open up to, EVERYTHING that I need to change my life."
It's NOT about ditching low-energy friends & associates, focusing on high-vibe people. It's about BEING the high-frequency, attracting similar vibes, serving as a human magnet for my true tribe. It's about connection, clarity, conviction; about constancy & consistency.
For years, I struggled to put together mastermind groups - flubbed. I tried to connect with high-energy people, but they were as poor a fit for me as I was for them. When the student is ready, the teacher will come. Getting my energies in sync, connecting with my inner core, growing into the Who who's really me, opened the way for my awesome tribe to see & embrace me ~and~ for me to have a longed-for sense of homecoming. To swapping out the old Catch-22 for the joy of upping others' energy fields as they - all of them - zoom mine.
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