Saturday, February 3, 2018

When the student is ready...

How long ago did I first hear, "When the student is ready, the teacher appears"?  Probably my middish twenties, possibly while having a cup of tea or a Kir Royale across the driveway, at Dorothy & Susie's apartment.

Teachers have been showing up, fast & fabulous, over the past 5+ years.  With stunning speed & effectiveness over the past 6+ months! 

This past week was a total jaw dropper, beginning with sharing a cuppa at the Lumberville General Store with a new friend.  Tom does for my brain what John did for my heart - brings it into focus, whittles away non-essentials, makes it bigger better bolder than I imagined.  And he connected me with James Clear, who blows away the fog that's cloaked my brain & imparted a clarity that feels like both a fresh discovery & a welcome homecoming! 

This student is SO very ready, so Universe - keep those teachers coming.

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