Sunday, February 25, 2018


My best memory of the week - sitting next to John at Richard's memorial celebration, with Bronzi on my lap.  So unexpected, so totally unforgettable - thank you, dear friend, for composing one last perfect memory of the four of us, together!

What I am most grateful for this week - see above

Accomplishments this week that make me smile - getting down to brass tacks in securing a venue space for A Creativity Jam for Age Justice (fingers crossed we get the hall at the Lord's New Church); not taking a "no, but ask me later" as a possible yes - accepted it as the friend's regretful no;  reconfirming that order IS my true nature, not a state to which I've evolved; deciding - after parking the car at Hamilton Sq train station - the Universe was telling me NOT to go NYC for the RAM mtg, then feeling 30 minutes later like all the energy was sucked out of me.

A challenge I faced this week - trying to decide whether or not to go to the LNC Spiritual Discussion on Monday afternoon;  I was still fragile after someone totally broke a cardinal rule of such group's & offered a "helpful" personal comment that wounded me. 

Strengths & supports I used to get me through this week - when a friend gave a loving no to using a space for the Creativity Jam, I went immediately to "if not this, something better" rather than hoping he'd change his mind, as he clearly suggested he might.  Having faith in myself & others doing what I/they genuinely think is right & best.  Putting more effort into my now than into thoughts of past or future.   

A lesson from the past week that I am taking into the next - be realistic about what I want to get done in any given day.  Better for my psyche's health to plan less & do more than to expect more & do less.

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